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At Emigra Ya we work hard to make your dream of working in Canada a reality, regardless of whether you are within Canada with a valid legal status or if you are abroad, we work hand on hand so that you can work legally. For companies struggling to find the right applicants. We also help them to find the right foreign national worker.


Currently there are different immigration processes to work or hire workers in Canada, each one depending on the situation and current profile of the applicant and the particular need of the company.


How It Works

In order for companies to hire people from abroad they must go through an approval process with the government. Once approved the next step is taken by the employee.  


Generally a person seeking to work in Canada must first receive permission to do so by applying for a work permit. In some cases that permit may be tied to working for a specific employer, in other cases it may be open-ended and in other more specific cases no work permit is required at all. 


That is why it is of vital importance to analyze the profile in detail of each of our clients, both companies and workers, in order to offer them the option that best optimizes the possibilities of each one of them.

Work Permits

There are several types of work permits, with and without a job offer, for which we offer assistance. Each category has selection factors and requires an eligible job offer from a designated employer.

Open-type permits

Allows you to work for any Canadian employer

Closed-type permits

based on a job offer validated through a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Closed work permits exempt from LMIA

Northern and Rural Immigration Pilot Program:

This federal pilot program requires having a job offer, meeting basic requirements in terms of language skills, level of education and work experience, and meeting the requirements of one of the 11 communities that participate in this immigration program

Atlantic Provinces Immigration Pilot Program:

This program was designed by the federal government to allow employers in the Atlantic provinces (nova scotia, new brunswick, newfoundland and labrador, prince edward island) to hire and retain skilled foreign workers and international graduates who wish to stay permanently in a of the Atlantic provinces. There are 3 categories: International Graduates. Highly skilled workers. Intermediate skilled workers.

You do not have to worry about the process or program selection. We will help you during an assessment to determine the best program that suits you according to your needs or profile.

Emigra Ya offers job search services for workers and we help Canadian companies in the procedures to hire foreign workers.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Getting a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is an important step in getting a temporary work permit in Canada. Most employers need an LMIA before they can hire a temporary foreign worker. Before you start the hiring process, you must determine if you need an LMIA.


An LMIA confirms there is a need for a temporary foreign worker no Canadians or permanent residents are available to do the job. It must be properly filed with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/Service Canada, certifying that a business can hire a temporary worker. Once your company is approved, we will start the process with the federal government to get your workers to work for your company as soon as possible.

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